Jurnal Teknik Informatika: CALL FOR PAPERS




Jurnal Teknik Informatika is open paper submission for issue ( Vol.15 No.1 ) that will be published in April 2022. This Journal is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, published by Department of informatics Faculty of Science and Technology UIN Jakarta. The aim of this journal is to publish quality articles dedicated to all aspects of the latest outstanding developments in the field of informatics engineering. Its scope encompasses the applications of (but are not limited to):ICT and Islam, Software Engineering, System Design Methodology, Data mining and Big Data, Human and Computer Interaction, Mobile Computing, Soft Computing, E-Learning, Multimedia and Image Processing, Parallel/Distributed Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Computational Lingustics, Data Comunication, Networking,and Cybersecurity.

Submit your article (in English) according to the required format to http://journal.uinjkt.ac.id/index.php/ti/

Deadline: February 21, 2021.
CP : Saepul (087804487981)

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